He said: “I have no choice now but to go for a fusion which is the last case scenario. I have been told that it means losing a lot of the movement in my wrist and hand so I won’t be able to ride. The whole reason for having the first op was to avoid the fusion but it wasn’t a success.
“In a way it has come as a surprise and, while I have obviously thought about the future, I don’t yet know what I will do. I don’t think I will train – it’s not my cup of tea.”
Hatt,50, calculates that he rode some 2 300 winners and the tally includes J & B Mets on Bunter Barlow (2001) and River Jetez (2010), and three Queen’s Plates on Wainui (1989) and Winter Solstice (2005 and 2006).
He said: “I had so much to look forward to with Futura and the others in Brett Crawford’s yard, as well as my great relationship with Brett. Things were going so well but I’m not complaining. I’ve had a great time and I wouldn’t have done anything else. Indeed, if I were to come back in another life, I would be a jockey again!”