
Trip to suit Heaven

PUBLISHED: July 14, 2016

Sean Tarry saddles Trip To Heaven in Saturday’s Gr 1 Mercury Sprint…

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Drier’s duo can upset

PUBLISHED: July 14, 2016

The Dennis Drier yard will be represented by Barbosa and Triptique in Saturday’s Gr1 Mercury Sprint…

Promising Prospect to deliver

PUBLISHED: July 13, 2016

Andrew Fortune rides a few with chances at the Vaal tomorrow…

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Strydom stays loyal to Trip Tease

PUBLISHED: July 13, 2016

Piere Strydom on his decision to ride Trip Tease in Saturday’s Gr1 Mercury Sprint…

Lyle Hewitson

Hewitson loses his claim

PUBLISHED: July 13, 2016

Apprentice Lyle Hewitson rode his 60th winner at The Vaal racecourse yesterday…