double whammy lk

Double Whammy heads to Durban

PUBLISHED: March 2, 2016

Double Whammy will be sent to Durban as part of Glen Kotzens raiding team…

French Navy (Nkosi Hlophe)

French Navy still on track

PUBLISHED: March 1, 2016

Despite the disappointing run on Saturday, Sean Tarry is not phased as French Navy is still on track…

Sean Tarry

Panel on the mark again

PUBLISHED: March 1, 2016

The Summerhill Breeze Ups panelists were spot on after marking Witchcraft as one of their best fillies…

Barry Irwin

Eye for talent

PUBLISHED: March 1, 2016

Barry ‘B Eye” Irwin finds talent in the unlikeliest of places…

Muscatt (Nkosi Hlophe)

Muscatt breaks Scottsville record

PUBLISHED: March 1, 2016

The impressive Muscatt breaks a Scottsville record and becomes the second horse to do so in two weeks…