seventh plain nkosi hlopheapp

Tough draw for Seventh Plain

PUBLISHED: January 18, 2016

A lot of smart sorts to battle it out for the CTS Million Dollar

french navy wins london news

French Navy may miss the Met

PUBLISHED: January 18, 2016

French Navy’s next mission could be the President’s Champions Challenge

Same Jurisdiction (Nkosi Hlophe)

Abashiri likely to skip Derby

PUBLISHED: January 18, 2016

Abashiri is likely to bypass Saturday’s Investec Cape Derby…

Silver Mountain (Liesl King)

A million dollar dream

PUBLISHED: January 17, 2016

The CTS Million Dollar will be run on Saturday at Kenilworth…

Carry On Alice (Nkosi Hlophe)

Alice looks hard to oppose

PUBLISHED: January 15, 2016

Carry On Alice looks very hard to oppose in tomorrows Sceptre Stakes…