(5) ROYAL KINGDOM ran behind a very smart sort and will take some beating here. (2) KING PRAWN was fancied on debut and will get much closer, respect his chances. (8) JET SET RUN will improve over this 1200m trip. (1) DREAM TEAM MACHINE is another who will get much closer. (Devonne Govender 5-2-8-1)
(1) POETIC PRINCESS represents good enough Cape form to be very competitive here so must be respected, she will be a confident first selection. (6) DANCING IN WINTER needed the last run and can do much better. She showed good form earlier and is expected to get much closer. (5) ONE GIANT LEAP returns after a break however should be respected coming from a top yard who are in great form. (3) MIDWICKET is another who represents Cape form and can improve here. (Devonne Govender 1-6-5-3)
(4) BOMBER BAY is clearly much better than that last start, the trip could have been out of his reach at this stage of his career, he drops to 1200m now which could see him making solid improvement especially since he ran behind Zeitz earlier in his career. (1) FLIGHT ENGINEER represents Highveld form which generally stands up strong in the province so must be included in all bets. (5) AND ACTION has been knocking on the door however has been expensive to follow, he isn’t without a chance here. (9) BOMPAS is capable of getting involved here. ( Devonne Govender 4-1-5-9)
(1) LOTUS ISLAND won impressively in the last start and will be a huge runner. (3) HELIOTROPE has decent Cape form and will be a lively challenger to the top selection. (4) LADY ZULTANITE is holding solid form and can get into the placings. (7) SWEET NOTHINGS ran well enough in the last start and can get involved in the placings. (Devonne Govender 1-3-4-7)
Open race, play wide. (9) JAMBO SANA is capable of much better and could represent some value here. (12) FREE WORLD ran a cracker in the last start and will be in the mix, big winning chance. (8) ENCHANTING LADY represents decent enough recent Highveld form to be competitive here so must be respected. (6) BYTHELITEOFTHEMOON can pop up on best form so should be included in larger perms. (Devonne Govender 9-12-8-6).
(1) SPLICETHEMAINBRACE packs plenty of class and will take a power of beating here. (2) CAN’T SAY NO ran well in the last start and will be the exacta choice. (6) BELA VISTA represents decent enough Cape form to be very competitive here but will need have to lift to beat the top selection. (5) FROM A DISTANCE is another who represents good enough Cape form to get involved in the finish so include in the placings. (Devonne Govender 1-2-6-5)
(12) HOLOCENE won impressively in the last start and can follow up. (8) PEDRO ran on well in the last start and will be a huge runner here. (13) WILLIAM THE FIRST is another who won well in the last start on poly, he should go very well here. (14) UNION ROSE is another who is very capable on his day and can make his presence felt. (Devonne Govender 12-8-13-14)
(9) GLOBETONIC is very capable on his day and will be right there on best form. He is a horse that tends to run well here and the fact that he wasn’t far in the last start is a good indication that the next career win isn’t far. (4) LEGAL THRILLER is holding consistent form and another big run is expected. (12) FLOWER FESTIVAL has plenty of ability and is capable of winning this. (11) BELOW DECK was a gutsy winner in the last start and should be respected. (Devonne Govender 9-4-12-11)